The Ostron are the people of Cetus, the settlement around which Plains of Eidolon is centered. Veterans can begin hunting Eidolon Teralysts and grinding for better gear, which we explain below. For new players, head back to the main campaign and begin working towards unlocking The Second Dream and War Within quests to fully unlock everything you need for Plains of Eidolon.
Continue doing bounties, while spending your new Ostron Standing on better fishing and mining gear. You'll need this first bit of currency to unlock mining and fishing, which we'll talk about more below. Earn 1000 Ostron Standing from completing the bounty missions Konzu offers. On top of that, the quest gives you something to strive for by nudging you towards finding components of the new Warframe, Gara (more on her below).
You’ll spelunk through an ore-rich cave system, meet your very first Eidolon-the terrifying monstrosities that roam the Plains at night, and get a general lay of the land that makes acclimating to the new zone much easier.
Saya’s Vigil takes you on a guided tour of the Plains with slow, scripted teasing of various locations and events. This unlocks after completing your very first bounty, after which it can be accepted from Konzu.
Accept and complete the Saya’s Vigil quest. So complete one straight off the bat before doing anything else (there’s more on that in the next section). When you first arrive at the new location, the only way to earn such standing is by doing bounties for Konzu. You can’t do much of anything on the Plains of Eidolon without the currency known as Ostron Standing. Here's the first two things you should do, in order: There is no real in-game indicator of time in Warframe, so use this website to track when the sun will set.Įidolon Teralysts are super-powerful enemies that you'll want three friends to help you kill. You can still head out at night if you want, but be prepared for a difficulty spike. These behemoths are extremely powerful and can only be killed by endgame players. The daytime is safest for new players because once the sun sets towering Eidolon Teralysts stalk the plains. There is a real-time day and night cycle, with day lasting 100 minutes and night lasting just 50.
The main town of Cetus is a public instance that can house up to 50 players at one time, while the Plains themselves are a vast open world where squads of up to four players can run around adventuring. The Plains of Eidolon is entirely unlike any area in Warframe. Allow us to rectify that oversight with the first few things you should do and buy on the Earth colony. Besides an admittedly nice little cutscene showing your Warframe arriving at the settlement of Cetus, Plains of Eidolon doesn’t exactly tell you where to go or what to do first.